5Harfliler is an online journal focusing on gender, politics, art and pop culture. The publication is based in Istanbul and pursues a transnational feminist agenda. For any queries, please contact us at 5harfliler@gmail.com
The state, which under normal circumstances has no qualms about meddling with our private lives, anchors such cases to the protection of family in a patriarchal manner if the case involves a family.
We used to struggle to extend our rights, and now, we are reduced to a position of trying to preserve them.
We continue to stand in solidarity to defy the oppression against women.
If we could only tell abused children that abuse is abuse, and that it has nothing to do with love.
Even though it’s legal to end unwanted pregnancies of up to 10 weeks, we still are unable to freely exercise this right.
The reason I’m at the police station is because I was harassed and I’m waiting for the police to take my statement.
The common request shared by every woman I spoke to for this article was that they would be properly listened to.
Our resistance is greater today. We are thousands of people who harbor the same hope.
August 25-26-27, Istanbul. Free and open to the public!
My dear family, all my lovely friends, comrades, lovers and ex-lovers and fuckbuddies—stay away from my dick.